Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Mask - mask FACE

VOV Daily Fresh Mask

Pemakaian masker baiknya di malam hari setelah pemakaian peeling / lulur muka ataupun scrub
Cleanser + Peeling / lulur muka atau scrub + masker + Multi Function Cream (Night cream )


Berry & Berry Wash Off Pack
(All Skin Types )
memutihkan dan menekan produksi melanin yang berlebih , membuat kulit bercahaya dan sehat , dengan kandungan alami anti oksidan dari buah Berry
The extract in combination with strawberry and collagen-- Attaches to the skin freshness, elasticity and tone - Attaches to the skin freshness, elasticity and tone
-- Has a calming, anti-heals and the action, removes skin irritations and Redness - Has a calming, anti-heals and the action, removes skin irritations and Redness
-- Contains fruit acids, which gently and quietly otshelushivayut old, dead skin cells, and vitamin C, to participate actively in the regeneration of skin and nutrition - Contains fruit acids, which gently and quietly otshelushivayut old, dead skin cells, and vitamin C, to participate actively in the regeneration of skin and nutrition
Beriberi tight packMake the skin smooth and elastic that cultivated strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry extracts contain kkyaekkeut will keep the skin clear.[Check Point!]● Shaft lined with elastic to elastic skin!● syabangsyabang pposyasi smooth skin ~● meetings ago, the best of skin condition ~
Green Tea Collagen Wash Off Pack
Collagen mask with green tea extract Collagen mask with green tea extract
Masker green tea berguna untuk memulihkan kondisi kulit dari polusi lingkungan , dengan kandungan collagen membuat kulit lebih halus dan sehat , kandungan botanikal dan natural extract nya membuat kulit siap keadaan lingkungan dengan radikal bebas dan menjaga elastisitas kulit agar awet muda
Fokus pada : anti hydrasi dan anti oksidan
Green Tea Collagen PackGreen Tea Extract from external harmful environment and purifies contaminated skin with vegetable collagen when the skin moist and helps cultivate.[Check Point!]● chikchikpuseok naepibu, moist firmness freshening● scarlet rash, trouble calming effect● When you want to be crystal-clear pure beauty

Green tea is a powerful natural antioxidant. It saves cells from destruction, improves oxygen and water and salt exchanges, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels. This mask softens, nourishes and moisturises the skin, making it smooth and elastic, removes irritation stimulates regeneration, eliminates fine wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin.

Honey Lemon Was Off Pack

VOV Daily Fresh Mini Wash Off Pack Honey Lemon,
Memulihkan kulit dengan ekstrak lemon , dengan kandungan whitening sehingga kulit sehat dan bercahaya

replenishes and whitens skin instantly, lemon extract will refresh your tired skin, leaving it supple and radiant with a healthy vivid glow.
Honey Lemon PackLemon extract keratin flexible management of tired skin, and sweet honey keep moisture in the skin giving a soft milky skin will cultivate.[Check Point!]● resilient nutrition, moisturizing moisturizing, brightening Chavannes-● embarrassing calluses cracked skin cracking down● Transform into dry surface skin immaculate!

Purity Sea Weeds Wash Off Pack

masker yang berguna untuk menyegarkan kulit , dengan kandungan rumput laut alami , dan garam laut yang dipercaya khasiatnya untuk menjaga kulit tetap awet muda
VOV Daily Fresh Mini Wash Off Pack Purity Sea Weeds,
Contains Marine Algae, Mineral salts sooths and refresh the skin.
Clean Seaweed PackPristine blue waters of the nutrient-rich seaweed extract minerals and vitamins to the skin crisp and clear and clean and refreshing fundus is granted.[Check Point!]● Clean and cool with plenty of clean water -● nutrition with plenty of marine minerals, soothing● burning your skin the gift of invigorating freshness

17 Cereals Wash Off Pack - FAVORITEVOV Daily Fresh Mini Wash Off Pack 17Cereals/Grains,
Nourish and make rough skin smooth and supple.
Suitable for all skin type/combination skin.
17 Grain PackCarefully tended crops and 17 contain primary ingredients nourish the skin rough and smooth shiny moist, cultivated by giving help.
17 Tea complex: lavender, basil, marshmallow, HCT, chamomile, rosemary, fennel, wormwood, peony, dong quai, Sophora, licorice, motherwort, Atractylodes macrocephala, jeobaekpi, Firmament, Morus
[Check Point!]
● jwaljwal-smooth soft gloss
● sesuhan just seems to brighten dull skin.
● Gently remove geoseulgeoseul pibugakjil

Volcanic Powder Wash Off Pack – FAVORITE 
Volcanic powder menjadi salah satu masker yang paling favorite di Korea , karena sifatnya membersihkan pori yang tersumbat , dengan kandungan mineral essential , cocok untuk kulit normal dan kombinasi
Ash Pack
Mineral-rich volcanic ash containing pores of the skin and to manage waste clean skin absorption as nourishment makes you wnat.
[Check Point!]
● stuffy tight pores, the pores clean and tidy
● loose mineral nutrients to the skin-tight
● Head Crater Black Lick the smooth-

mask series

cara pemakaian Daily Fresh Mask

VOV DAILY MASK ( ready stock )

Harga satuan : Rp 25.000/pcs (Lifting Berry, lemon , volcanic , cereal , lemon )

1 lusin : Rp 165.000,- (12 pcs boleh mix rasa )
penggunaan masker sangat penting untuk menjaga keseimbangan kulit dan merawat kecantikan , kesehatan kulit wajah
type vov ini adalah wash off ; setelah mencuci muka , oleskan merata pada wajah , tunggu 15 menit , bilas dengan air , lanjutkan dengan pemakian multi function cream . night cream
masker VOV dapat digunakan tiap hari maupun 1-3 kali seminggu , karena kandungannya yang alami dan terdiri dari vitamin vitamin essential

VOV Day Day mask

1 paket isi 7 masker 7 rasa - tidak dapat dipisah karena sudah dipaket dari pabrik VOV

1 paket isi 7 masker 7 rasa - tidak dapat dipisah karena sudah dipaket dari pabrik VOV

box belakang

box belakang

untuk pemelian 6 paket dikemas dengan box untuk dipajang

untuk pemelian 6 paket dikemas dengan box untuk dipajang

VOV DAY DAY MASK ( ready stock )

terbaru dari VOV Korea launch in Korea !!

harga satuan : 30.000,- /pcs
pilihan warna Lemon,Seaweed (Rumput Laut) ,Brokoli .Sea Cabbage ,Pomegrande ,Honey (madu)
Harga : Rp 159.000,-/ paket (1 paket =7 masker , 7 rasa yang berbeda )
Harga 6 paket : 150.000/paket
Masker lembar dengan konsentrat tinggi 200 ml vitamin per lembarnya
*Lemon : untuk pengecilan pori

*Seaweed (Rumput Laut) : untuk nutrisi laut dan emmberi kelembapan

*Brokoli sebagai whitening dan pencerah kulit

*Sea Cabbage : sebagai penghilang stress pada kulit akibat radikal bebas dan memperbaiki struktur kulit

*Pomegrande : sebagai anti wrinkle dan lifting (pengencangan kulit) mencegah tanda penuaan pada kulit

*Honey (madu) : Nutrisi vitamin complex bagi kulit


It's Real Pack (PO)

  1. Broccoli
  2. Carrot
  3. Chestnut Shell
  4. Sea Kelp
  5. Sweet Pumpkin

IDR 108.000

It's Real Dry Gauge (PO)

IDR 46.000

AC Clinic Mask Sheet (po)

1 sheet IDR 35.000

5 sheet IDR 150.000

untuk ac clinic mask sheetnya lbh baik membeli 3 sheet karena di anjurkan pemakaian rutin :)
masker untuk yang berjerawat :)

AC Clinic Pink Powder Spot Pacth
IDR 45.000 (1 sheet)
to trouble skin

AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot Patch 1 sheet (PO)

IDR 35.000

AC Clinic Intense Mask Sheet (1sheet) (po)

IDR 45.000

Black Head Bond Patch 10sheet(po)

IDR 102.000

bagi kamu yang punya komedo membandel wajib memakai ini agar ilang semua komedo
yang menggangu :)

Dr. Ampoule Dual Mask Sheet(po)

Essential Care
Lifting Care
Vital Care
Whitening Care
Wrinkle Care

IDR 60.000

 Wash Off Pack (isi 4 macam) (PO)

  1. Honey
  2. yogurt

IDR 70.000

harga counter 98.000

Wonder Pore Soda Capsule 1g x 16

IDR 94.000

Wonder Pore Soda Capsule is a facial rinse-off for pore care, preventing enlarged pores, less firmer skin and moisturizing by eliminating what hurts skin from within.

How to use: Melt 1 soda capsule with water at the last stage of facial cleansing day or at night. The capsule will melt fast with bubbles and gently rinse your face with this water. Recommended to use 2-3 times a week.
Features Seven Pore Effects:
  1. Maintains ph 4.5 to within 1 ph
  2. Refines the skin tones
  3. Keep the elasticity of pores
  4. Deep cleanses pores
  5. Minimize appearance of pores
  6. Control a large amount of the sebum (oil control)
  7. Moisturize inside and outside of skin

Wonder Pore Clay Clear 100g (PO)

IDR 174.000

Wonder Pore Modeling Clear 17g(po)

IDR 78.000


Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

IDR 175.000

NEW Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask (Hard) 100ml

IDR 175.000


Cereal Mask Sheet 20ml
IDR 45.000

Essential Mask Sheet 22ml
01 ceramide
02 collagen
03 coenzyme Q 10
04 hyaluronic acid
05 pearl

IDR 45.000

Fresh Fruit Mask Sheet

IDR 45.000

Herb Therapy Mask Sheet

rose & pine moisturizing
teatree & bergamot
Lavender & neroli
Jasmine & Fetinel

IDR 49.000

Apple Smoothie Mask Pack110ml

Strawberry Smoothie Mask Pack110ml

Kiwi Smoothie Mask Pack 110ml

IDR 145.000

Volcanic Clay Black Head Charcoal Nose Strip

1 sheet 24.000
7 sheet 98.000

Lovely Me:ex mini mask 65g
  1. Blue : Magic Pink Powder Mask
  2. Yellow : Magic Pore Ghassoul Mask
  3. Pink : Waterful Grapefruit Mask 
IDR 107.000


Snow White Magic Film Mask Sheet

IDR 52.000

Premium Sheep Milk Yogurt 75ml

01 Green tea
02 Wild berry

IDR 140.000


TSF Black Sugar Mask Wash Off 100g

IDR 127.000

Acai Berry Mask 100gr
IDR 164.000

Acorn Jelly Mask100gr
IDR 160.000

Ginseng Mask 100gr
IDR 182.000

Olive Mask 100gr
IDR 157.000

Honey Red Orange Mask 100gr
IDR 142.000

Chocolate Mask 100gr
IDR 142.000

TSF Acorn Jelly Mask 100gr
IDR 160.000

Miniature 20gr
IDR 65.000

TSF Rice Mask Wash Off 100g

IDR 135.000

Steam Milk Mask Cream 100g

IDR 159.000

Tea Tree & Lavender Spot Patch  

(1 patch) IDR 49.000

( 5 patch ) IDR 165.000


Tea Tree It Trouble Catch Spot Patch 1sheet

IDR 32.000

untuk mengempeskan jerawat

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